2023-04-09 1152 YUQI

In our daily work and life, it is inevitable to come into contact with neodymium iron boron powerful magnets, such as the household appliances, digital products, transportation tools that we often use and carry with us, the mechanical equipment that we operate every day at work, and the use of magnetic resonance when going to the hospital for physical examinations. Various magnetic fields are always present. Neodymium iron boron magnets are the third generation rare earth permanent magnet materials, which are divided into bonded neodymium iron boron and sintered neodymium iron boron. Their performance and magnetic field are different, so many friends are always worried about the impact of permanent magnet materials on their physical health. Gold neodymium magnets will educate everyone about whether strong neodymium iron boron magnets are harmful to the human body and how harmful they are!

May I ask if strong neodymium iron boron magnets are harmful to the human body?


1. The first answer to your question is about the physical damage caused by strong magnets. For example, when you frequently deal with neodymium iron boron strong magnets in your work, you should pay attention to several aspects: for example, when using neodymium iron boron magnets with strong magnetic materials, you should be careful not to get caught in your hands. In case of being caught, it can cause skin and flesh injury, and in case of being caught, it can cause bone fracture. Due to the fragile and fragile nature of strong neodymium iron boron magnets, it is important to be careful not to fall or collide. Another thing is to maintain it at a certain temperature for use.

2. Have you noticed a phenomenon of strong neodymium iron boron magnet magnetic field and AC magnetic field radiation? When using a mobile phone to make a phone call for more than half an hour, it is obvious that my ears are burning and there is a local headache. Anyway, I have obvious feelings. Later, I switched to using a landline to make phone calls, and the DC magnetic field has less radiation on my body. This is the harm that alternating magnetic fields can cause to the human body, especially high-frequency magnetic fields that cause greater harm to the body. The magnetic field strength of neodymium iron boron strong magnets is approximately less than 10000 Gauss, and no scientific researchers have yet proposed any harm or other abnormal effects on the human body. The specific situation needs further verification.

3. When frequently going to the hospital for physical examinations, it is necessary to undergo magnetic resonance imaging. The doctor will ask you to use a radiation resistant cloth to cover key areas. Personally, I believe that magnetic radiation still has a slight impact on the body. If there are medical electronic devices such as pacemakers installed in the body, it is better not to do work related to strong neodymium iron boron magnets, as this can cause significant harm to the body. Please do not let me explain the details, as you all understand.

Is strong neodymium iron boron magnets harmful to the human body? How harmful are magnets to the body? Based on the above analysis, we cannot do without various magnetic materials and magnetic fields in our daily lives. How can we protect ourselves from magnetic field interference and injury, and try to stay away from high-strength magnetic fields as much as possible? When using strong neodymium iron boron magnets in work, we should be particularly careful to avoid harm to our bodies. In fact, various weak magnetic fields and permanent magnet materials pose little harm to our human body, and there is no need to be overly afraid. I hope my sharing can be helpful to you. Follow me to learn more about permanent magnet materials!

The above is about "Is strong neodymium iron boron magnets harmful to the human body? What is the degree of harm?" If you still want to learn more relevant knowledge or information, please continue to follow us. We also hope that you can provide us with valuable opinions or suggestions!

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